This is a guide for how to do a reference to a Book, Contributions to a Book, and a Journal Article using the Harvard Formula...
Book:Author or Editor Surname, Initial. (Year of publication) The full title of the book. Publisher: city of publication
Contribution to a book:
Author Surname, Initial. (Year of publication) “The full title of the article in inverted commas”. In Editor
Surname, Initial., The full title of the work containing the chapter. City of publication: Publisher. Page span of the work cited.
Journal Article:
Author Surname, Initial. (Year of publication) “The full title of the article in inverted commas”. The full title of the journal [volume and part if given and/or] Month, or Season, or volume/part number.
This site could also help with generating your references:
Using the above guide I will give an example of:
- Two book items (two full length books)
Atkins, B. (2003) More Than A Game: The Computer Game as Fictional Form. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Adams, E. (2010) Fundamentals of game design. New Riders.
- Two contributions to books (two articles in books)
Salen, K. (2002) “Telefragging Monster Movies.” In King, L., (ed.), Game On: The History and Culture of Video Games. London: Laurence King. 98-111.
Rettberg, S. (2008) “Corporate Ideology in World of Warcraft”. In Corneliussen, H. & Rettberg, J.W. eds, Digital culture, play, and identity: a World of Warcraft reader, MIT Press. 19-39.
- Two journal articles (two articles from academic journals)
Keighron, P. (1993) “Video Diaries: What’s Up Doc?” Sight and Sound. October. 24-25.
Clark, L.S. (2003) “Challenges of social good in the world of Grand Theft Auto and Barbie: a case study of a community computer center for youth”. New Media & Society, 5(1). 95-116.
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